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0 votes
by Rookie

Hello just trying to setup my wp blog in webinoly and added na -ssl=on
don't know where I did wrong.

I'm using DO droplets. after the -wp setup finished
when I type my domain this comes up. 

DO i.p is connected to my cloudflare heres the setup.

also i turned off the ssl in cloudflare and left the let's encrypt in webinoly alone for now.

what do you think is the next step or how to fix

#sorry if my english sucks.

1 Answer

0 votes
by Rookie
edited by
I think maybe you having redirect problems. It keeps pushing from www to non www maybe. You see error says too many redirect?

Has happened to me before.

What script you use to install your site? Do you want to use non www? So no www in front of your domain name?

echo -e "Force non-WWW in site, so www forced to non-www"

sudo site wanderface.com -force-redirect=root

This is my script I use to install site


# This script is to add website using webinoly script https://webinoly.com/en/tutorials/webinoly-full- example-tutorial/

### First change the settings below to your settings

# cd && nano websitewebinoly.sh

## Copy everything in this script and paste it in, save file and exit

# chmod +x websitewebinoly.sh && ./websitewebinoly.sh

####### Change settings below to your settings ################

## Find your timezone settings here: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php ##







echo -e "Create your website: site example.com -wp=[<setup_db>,<setup_wp>,<host>,<dbname>,<dbuser>,<dbpass>,<wp_prefix>,<external_db_user>,<external_db_pass>]"


echo -e "Force non-WWW in site, so www forced to non-www"

sudo site $SERVERDOMAINNAME -force-redirect=root

echo -e "List sites, make sure you can see your website $SERVERDOMAINNAME"

sudo site -list

echo -e "IMPORTANT: IF you want to have SSL on your website for free using Lets Encrypt Free SSL, run this command sudo site $SERVERDOMAINNAME -ssl=on"

echo -e "Make sure you change your DNS settings A records to point to server"

#sudo site $SERVERDOMAINNAME -ssl=on

echo -e "SSL will auto install on your server for your website, and will add in cron job to auto renew for you"

echo -e "If auto renew doesn't work, run this command to get new ssl certificate: sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --manual-public-ip-logging-ok -d $domain -d *.$domain --email $mail --no-eff-email --agree-tos --staple-ocsp --must-staple"

echo -e "Your wordpress files in following folders:"

echo -e "root /var/www/$SERVERDOMAINNAME/htdocs"

echo -e "wp config file /var/www/$SERVERDOMAINNAME/wp-config.php"

echo -e "error_log /var/log/nginx/$SERVERDOMAINNAME.error.log"
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