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I'm interested in Webinoly, in order to move almost 100 servers from EasyEngine (very fine piece of software, but it seems to be abandonware already).

I wrote a "web panel" for my customers to create new domains from a web interface. It would be easy to move to Webinoly, but it will only happen if there is a way to create a new site completely unattended. In other words, Webinoly command line should take parameters like default username, default password, default email (for first user in WP), and do not ask any information about database credentials (perhaps using defaults from a configuration file, or generating hashes from domain, etc).

Is it possible?
how are you jan I have 20 servers with webinoly, I am very impressed by what you wrote about what you manage all over the web, I am interested in being able to do the same, how can I do it? What language should I use? Do you share or sell the development? Ientes I'm interested in customers starting to make payments and have their administration panel.



1 Answer

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by Expert

Hi Janio.

I used to be a EE user too and that's why I created Webinoly.

Most of the things in Webinoly can run in unattended way.

Actually, unattended WP site creation with custom DB data is on the roadmap and it will be realeased in about 2 more weeks.

The first user (username and password) creation is possible but still not on the roadmap. WP-CLI is needed to do this things, I'm considering include wp-cli in Webinoly but still not sure if it worth it.

Let me know if you have more detailed requirements and maybe it could be included in the release scheduled for January.


In my humble opinion, WP-CLI is totally worth it. My "panel" uses it to install and configure plugins for my customer (the backend is written in Bash). If you don't include WP-CLI in Webinoly one always can install it later.

I think you could go one step further and include Fail2Ban in stack, with a default, generic configuration. I'd be glad to share my configuration directories with you. But this time I'm not 100% sure it's worth the pain. :)
by Expert
I have Fail2ban definitely in mind, the same for WP-Cli, when we are developing a product or software its important keep in mind the project boundaries, we can not pretend to do everything, some things can be a plugin or a third party extension or maybe another product.

That's why is important be careful with the new features and packages we want to include. I'm not saying that I'm not going to include this things, but definitely it should be properly justificated.

In this case, I promise in next release you will have the unattended WP feature available. You say you have WP-CLI included in your web-interface, so could create the first user you need there. Maybe in the future Webinoly include this feature.

Really thanks for considering Webinoly for your project, this kind of feedback is very valuable to improve this tool. Please, don't hesitate to ask.
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