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by Rookie
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Hello there. I have to say webinoly is great. 

I tried to force-redirect my website as such: sudo site xxxx.com -force-redirect=www

However upon going to xxxx.com. I get:

This page isn’t working

www.xxxx.com redirected you too many times.

this doesn't happen is redirect is off.

I have the SSL unable and http-auth unable.

What could be the issue? I didn't touch my nginx files.

by Expert

I'm not sure, but can you try this?

Add this lines to your wp-config.php file:


Please, tell me if it works.

by Rookie
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Thanks for your great work Cristhian. I tried and it didn't help.

I have a question though. I have read this page: https://devtoolbox.co/how-to-set-up-optimized-wordpress-websites-with-webinoly/

It tells us to force redirect to improve SEO. However when I am checking all redirects are 301 which should be ok.

Do you think we should force redirect for seo?

by Expert

Would be helpful if you can try to reproduce this issue in a totally new WP site and tell us how to reproduce this issue.

And, yes, www.example.com and example.com are different sites for Google. Forcing a redirection and using a proper canonical meta tag can be useful for SEO in this case.

by Rookie
Hi Cristhian, I tried it with another domain of mine (storetshirt.com) and I reproduce the same error. I will check my firewall log to see if anything goes through. I should mention I am using Ubuntu 19.10.

I disabled my Firewall and I still get too many redirects error.
by Expert
I Will try to reproduce this issue.

Just one question, are you visiting your domain and doing the WP installation process before or after you do the www-force-redirect?
by Rookie

I am doing the force redirect after the installation.

So something is really weird.

I manage to change the settings (WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL)) on Wordpress to http://www.xxxx.com and the www-force-redirect works!

However I reinstalled my other website (which was in another server) and I get "This Connection is Not Private".  I am guessing therefore my domain name that switch server has an issue.

by Expert
That's exactly what I told you before and you said that values were updated in the DB. I'm happy you solved your issue.

1 Answer

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Just for the record, this only happens if force-redirect is done after WP installation. There are three ways to update the URL in WP:

  • Directly in the database
  • WordPress settings
  • Wp-config.php variables

In the next Webinoly release (v1.10.2) we will include a fix for this to update the DB automatically.

by Rookie
Awesome. It works now. Many thanks for your great input and great work on Webinoly.
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