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0 votes
by Rookie
I've installed webinoly from ground 0.

Created an wp website, and sucessfuly added letsencrypt.

But i can't access webinoly tools.

Disabled UFW, changed the default port and default website to the one i've got the wp instance.

When i try to access, either http or https it doesn't connect to anything.

Whay should i do?

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by Talented

So by default the tools should be accessible from port 22222 which you should allow in your ufw by running ufw allow 22222, you should never disable the firewall completely unless your server is just for testing.

If you now type in the IP address of your server and then :22222 after it you should be prompted to put in your HTTP AUTH credentials and then you can choose pma to access your server MySQL server. To get your MySQL credentials run sudo webinoly -dbpass. You can access all databases for all sites this way.

To access the tools directory through a domain you can specify this with sudo webinoly -tools-site=example.com which then let's you access the tools with example.com:22222. 

All of this info can be found here: https://webinoly.com/en/documentation/webinolys/

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