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I use subs_filter, it error nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "subs_filter", i try use sub_filter, it does not work (https://imgur.com/WX1DM2K)

When i use EasyEngine it works well with subs_filter

I don't know why, i try search in google but not results :(

Thanks all,
bibica from Viet Nam

closed with the note: it done

1 Answer

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by Expert

Hi bibica,

I'm using sub_filter in Nginx all the time, I don't really know what happend in your case that you're getting an error. Try this way inserting it after the "index" line:

sub_filter_once off;
sub_filter_last_modified on;
sub_filter https://domain.com/wp-content/uploads https://cdn.domain.com/wp-content/uploads;

Please, tell me if it works for you.


It works perfectly

Thank you so much
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