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by Talented

For example:

I created a PHP site by

site httpauth.webinoly.tw -php 

and it would produce the directory


then, I create a folder under /htdocs like this:


Now, I am going to protect "folder" by following command:

httpauth httpauth.webinoly.tw -path=/folder

Then I got : [ERROR] Subfolder parameter not found!

It's weird, per my investigation, following command could reply success

httpauth httpauth.webinoly.tw -path=/htdocs/folder     

This path '/htdocs/folder' was successfully protected!

But this URL not being protect:


it protected:


That's not my wanted.

1 Answer

0 votes
by Expert

[ERROR] Subfolder parameter not found!

It means that the folder you are trying to protect is inside a subfolder site. If you create a site using the "-subfolder" parameter, then you need to specify this parameter if you want to protect any path inside this subfolder.

sudo site example.com -html -subfolder=/test
sudo httpauth example.com -path=/test/one -subfolder=/test
by Talented

the commend I use is 

site httpauth.webinoly.tw -php 

I didn't use the -subfolder

if I use :

site httpauth3.webinoly.tw -php -subfolder=/htdocs

it will become


by Expert
You're asking two different things, the first one is already answered and the second one about the "htdocs" folder, seriously, I think it's not that hard to understand that it's about the public path and not about the server internal path.
by Talented

Sorry, I didn't get it.

First of all, I didn't use the -subfolder parameter to create a site, why I need -subfolder in my httpauth command?

To my original question, I just use following command to create site (no subfolder)

site httpauth.webinoly.tw -php

It would create an empty folder 


Now, I created a folder in the /htdocs and would like to protect it by command:

httpauth httpauth.webinoly.tw -path=/folder

Then, the error occurred:

[ERROR] Subfolder parameter not found!

Finally, I got the right command to fulfill my request:

httpauth httpauth.webinoly.tw -path=/folder -subfolder=/folder

It is a little bit confusing. Is that the correct way to protect the folder under /htdocs?

webinoly -version                                                                                                Webinoly version: 1.13.1

Current stack version: 1.5

by Expert

Ok. Now I understand, it will be fixed in the next release v1.13.2.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

As a temporary fix, you can try protecting your folder before its created and it should work as expected.

by Talented
Thanks for your understanding.
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