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by Rookie

Are there any alternative plugin for nginx helper? It's not working fine with my website. It doesn't purge cache when I update a post.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by Expert

Hi Seynt,

As you can read in this post, we've been looking for an alternative option to Nginx Helper plugin for a long time with no success. I've never had problems with Nginx Helper, just check that everything is properly configured.

0 votes
by Rookie
You have to make sure to configure the helper and redis cache settings for it to work.
by Rookie
I have a website with 80k to 100k visitors daily. nginx cache was working perfectly, but last week until now, it's not purging the cache completely. After publishing a post, I have to click on update post to completely show the contents to visitors. That's my main problem. I didn't changed any settings to nginx helper and redis cache. I enabled the nginx helper logs as well to check if there were errors when purging cache but no errors showing when cache purge after submitting a post.

Any way to check if the purge cache is working properly?
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