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On one of my instances running Webinoly on DigitalOcean any webinoly command throws a help message on console, instead of executing. The message is:

"Thanks for using Webinoly!

We have put a lot of time and effort into creating the most awesome, detailed and extensive documentation just for you.

Link: https://webinoly.com/en/documentation/ "

Until now I could not figure out a special reason, error seems to occur like 90% of logins on that machine, while I could not figure out a difference to other machines, where it not occurs. Hopefully it has happened to someone else, to get a glue, if it is a bug or what might the reason causing it. I found the text is defined here: https://github.com/QROkes/webinoly/blob/master/lib/general  Unfortunately I could not find out, what make  calling that help–function on any command.

Thanks for reading and any advice is highly apreciated

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