Webinoly is just the perfect tool for NGINX experts. Give it a try!
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by Rookie
Hello, I have 2 dedicated servers at Hetzner and on both I get error message. I can install webinoly without any issue on VPS but not on these servers. I never had issues before like this. How to fix it?

- [ERROR] Nginx Apt Key not found!
- [ERROR] MariaDB Apt Key not found!
- [ERROR] File: /snap/bin/certbot not found!

********      > > >  E R R O R < < <        ***********
********   System could not work properly   ***********
[ERROR] Sorry, unexpected error during installation and building stack process!
by Rookie
Hi! I have a similar problem. I'm also looking for a solution. Any news?

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Our Optimized LEMP Web Server is a powerful set of commands for doing just about anything you could wish.

With Webinoly you can set up your NGINX web server in just one step.

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