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by Talented
I used the site redirection tool to make a bunch of redirections, then realized they contained a typo.  Is there an easy way to delete all of them?  I wasn't sure what configuration file ended up saving the information.  I used the -delete command appended to all of my original commands, but then when I tried to add it back with the update, it told me the redirection already existed.  Alternatively, can I use an nginx conf instead of webinoly's redirection tool? If so, where should I include and save the file?  It seems much easier to just edit the rewrite file and be able to make bulk changes than have to handle each one individually with its own command..
by Talented
I had a snapshot before I added them all, so I just rolled it back and redid it... but I've also discovered that webinoly saves the re-write rules it creates to /etc/nginx/apps.d/sitename-nginx.conf.  And presumably one could delete that file to delete all of the redirections, but I haven't actually tested it out and imagine doing so could upset the cli tools.
by Expert

Please, read the docs before asking for help! All these things are mentioned in the docs, don't be afraid to try your own solutions.

And yes, you can safely delete that file... wink

by Talented
Thanks for your reply.

I see now there is more information under NGINX Configuration.  For some reason my brain didn't link that as being connected to the re-write rules, and so I stopped reading when I encountered the new heading. My bad.

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