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How do I configure www.conf like easyengine has. I want to set it to ondemand. Thank you.

1 Answer

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by Expert

Hi Seynt,

Can you be a little more specific about that?

I never saw that option in EE.

If you want to manually modify PHP www.conf file you can find it in the default location, /etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d/www.conf

I don't recommend do any modification to these files, unless you are pretty sure about where and what you are doing.



Thank you for your reply. Easyengine set www.conf automatically with this config.



user = www-data

group = www-data

listen =

listen.owner = www-data

listen.group = www-data

pm = ondemand

pm.max_children = 100

pm.start_servers = 20

pm.min_spare_servers = 10

pm.max_spare_servers = 30

ping.path = /ping

pm.status_path = /status

pm.max_requests = 500

request_terminate_timeout = 300

I was wondering if I can modify webinoly like this one. Thank you.
by Expert
If you know what you are doing, you can modify whatever configuration you wish. If not, you shouldn't.

Why do you think the conf you show above is better than the current Webinoly conf?

Are you having issues with Webinoly current configuration?

Do you have any suggestion to improve the current configuration?
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