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by Rookie

This is what I'm doing on latest webinoly:

site siteA.com -proxy=[https://siteB.com] -dedicated-reverse-proxy

(siteB.com is a wordpress site located on the same webinoly install)

site siteA.com -ssl=on -manual=dns

Result: 502 bad gateway

if I change to -proxy=[http://siteB.com] it works

Am I missing something here ?

by Expert
I'm just curious about what are you trying to do and what's the benefit of having this configuration?
by Rookie
I would like to use a single wordpress installation where the content can be seen from more than 10 different domains. So if I make changes to pages or posts is visible on all domains.

Tried with wordpress mu , i have a centralized dashboard but i should change each page/post on each domain.

1 Answer

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by Expert
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I tried to reproduce this issue, but everything seems to work just fine, I got no errors!

I didn't use the "dedicated" option in my test, but in this case it shouldn't make any difference.

Another option is that you can use "parked domains", actually I think it's a more optimal solution.


by Rookie

I fixed by doing this:

I edited this file: /etc/nginx/apps.d/domainB.com-proxy.conf

and added in location:

proxy_ssl_server_name on;

This fixed the 502 error.
I'm using the dedicated reverse proxy.

I also added:

proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
sub_filter_types text/css;
sub_filter 'domainA.com'  'domainB.com'; 
sub_filter_once off;

to rewrite html content with the new links.

Hope it can be useful !
Is there any performance degradation with this config ?

by Expert
Please, read my previous answer!

The error you are reporting cannot be reproduced, at least in a fresh installation everything is working fine.

It would be useful if you can describe the details to reproduce the issue you're mentioning in a new and fresh installation, other way it's simply useless.
by Rookie

Hi, I can reproduce by doing this

1. Start with a fresh webinoly install : wget -qO weby qrok.es/wy && sudo bash weby 3

2. sudo site domainA.com -wp  
    sudo site domainA.com -ssl=on

3. domainA.com -> cloudflare SSL Full strict

4. site domainB.com -proxy=[https://domainA.com] -dedicated-reverse-proxy

5. site domainB.com -ssl=on -manual=dns

6. domainB.com -> cloudflare SSL Full strict

Result https://domainB.com -> 502 error

7. Add proxy_ssl_server_name on;

No more 502 error

by Expert

Ok. That's why details are important!

You're having issues configuring cloudflare, not with Webinoly. If you remove the CF part, I'm sure everything will work as it should.

That's totally out of our hands!


by Rookie
Yes i was not claiming a Webinoly bug. I hope it could help since many webinoly users use cloudflare too.

Anyway thank you for your support!
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