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by Rookie


i'm currently using openlitespeed in my main domain with litespeed cache and redis ! , and try to install webinoly and all configuration in subdomain and then migrate to maindomain 

you can compare both , both have same content

sunvision tech on openlithtspeed gtmetrix -->  

sunvision tech on webinoly gtmetrix  -- >

as you can see on both desktop and mobile webinoly has better load time 

but  i can't get good score in google page speed insight at all , can i do anything ? 

i used autoptimize , little to no change ! 


what i must to do ? add more ram and cpu  ?   can i increase redis cache ? fastcgi cache , or how can i change browser cache policy or defer javascript without plugin

my currently vps configuration : 

  • 15 GB  SSD
  •  1 GB RAM
  • 1 Core CPU 

i know it's not directly relatet to webinoly  but maybe we can add something to add more power to it 

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