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I just started using DO and setting everything up by myself. One common “headache” seems to be to have multiple wp installs running in parallel on a single droplet. Using webinoly, if I run the command to create a new wp site multiple times.. how’s the structure going to be? Let me know if you need more specifics (new to the server world and correct terms ;))

1 Answer

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by Expert

Hi Martin.

This is not a headache with Webinoly. If you create multiple WP sites in a single droplet,  Webinoly creates an individual file folder and nginx virtual host for each site. So this way, each site is virtually isolated.

Data Folder: /var/www/domain.com/htdocs
Nginx virtual host: /etc/nginx/sites-available/domain.com

Also, Webinoly creates and configure an individual database for each site.

Please, let me know if you have any issues.

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