
Webinoly provides a set of tools and commands that facilitate the web server administration.

The idea is to always have any option to a command away, that is, with a single command you can install and configure your web server, with a single command you can create a new site or with a single command you can completely configure an SSL certificate, among many other options.

In the Quick Setup Guide you will find the basic elements and steps to start your first server in just minutes.

Read our Full Example and Advanced Practical Tutorial for Webinoly as a guide to know in a practical way the use of some common commands for your web server. Also, we have a complete course on Introduction to Web Server Administration, a long read with all the key points to mastering Nginx and servers.

Every aspect of a high-quality web server is covered by Webinoly. Our defaults are awesome, but mastering the details is an essential part for high-skilled and professional people. Enjoy and unleash all the potential!

Commands available: HttpAuth · Log · Site · Stack · Webinoly

Commands index

Quick guide of commands available in Webinoly.


Basic HTTP authentication.

  • Create user
  • Delete user
  • Lists
  • WordPress Login
  • Protect a custom folder or file
  • Whitelist IP


Log manager and real-time viewer.

  • Turn off/on Nginx access logs
  • Real-Time Log Viewer
  • WordPress Debug mode
  • PHP, Mail, Syslog, SSH, Let’s Encrypt
  • MySQL Logs: error, general, slow and binary
  • Purge Log files


Create, manage and configure your websites.

  • Create a new site
    • Create HTML, PHP or MySQL site
    • Create WordPress site
      • Custom Installation
      • External Database
      • WordPress Multisite
      • Replace content
      • Environment Type
    • Configurable Subfolders
      • Configure any site in a subdirectory
      • Install WordPress in a subdirectory
    • Parked domains
    • Domain forwarding
    • Reverse Proxy site
    • Fully Custom Sites
  • Management Tools
    • Cloning a site
    • Enable/disable a site
    • Delete site
    • Site info
    • List of your sites
  • Settings and Customizations
    • Force www or non-www
    • Nginx FastCGI Cache
      • FastCGI Cache for WordPress
      • Custom NGINX Cache
    • SSL Certificates with Let’s Encrypt
      • Disable SSL on a site
      • Certificates for parked domains
      • Certificates on Reverse Proxy sites
      • Manual validation
      • Wildcard certificates
      • Renewing certificates
      • Staging environment
      • Bring your own cert
    • Redirection Manager
    • Nginx configuration


Install and manage the software packages in your web server.

  • Install Nginx, PHP, MySQL
  • Change PHP versión
  • Change MariaDB (MySQL) versión
  • Uninstall packages
  • Additional tools


Manage the configuration of Webinoly and your LEMP server.

  • System Updates
    • Update Webinoly
  • NGINX & FastCGI Cache
    • FastCGI Cache settings
    • Purge Caches
    • Exclude URL from Cache
    • Exclude Cookie from Cache
    • Query-String support in Cache
    • Block IP
    • Default Nginx response
    • HTTP Headers configuration
  • MySQL Tools
    • Recover MySQL password
    • Change MySQL password
    • phpMyAdmin access and tools
    • Import MySQL database
    • Default database privileges
    • MySQL Remote Access
  • Server Management
    • SFTP
    • Server Timezone
    • SMTP
    • Backups
      • Export/Import server or site
      • Local WordPress database backup
      • Incremental Backups to S3
    • Datadog integration
    • Webinoly configuration file
    • Integrity test
    • System Info
    • Uninstall Webinoly

Also, if you want to execute your own code inside Webinoly, you should read about our Internal API and Events.

If you have any questions, suggestions, ideas, or comments, or if you (gasp!) found a bug, join us in the Discussions Area.