
  • Introduction to Web Server Administration with Webinoly

    Introduction to Web Server Administration with Webinoly

    BASIC: Concepts and Introduction Everything in this read is based on Ubuntu, LEMP and Webinoly. * LEMP = Linux (Ubuntu), NGINX, MySQL (or MariaDB) and PHP. This text pretends to be your definitive reference to start managing a web server. Not a whole and in-depth explanation, only the key points you need to know. After…

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  • CSP Practical Example

    CSP Practical Example

    The Content Security Policy or CSP is an HTTP header where you can specify the domains that the browser should consider to be valid sources. Read: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP How to configure the CSP header in your server? This is very easy if you are using Webinoly, just go to the Configuration File /opt/webinoly/webinoly.conf and you will…

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  • Webinoly full example and tutorial

    Webinoly full example and tutorial

    Surely you have already read and experienced our Quick Guide – The Famous Webinoly 5-minute installation – where in a matter of minutes your Nginx server and your first site are ready and completely configured. In the following tutorial we will show some advanced examples and case studies with a slightly greater degree of complexity…

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